Had a very productive session with the Guwahati University students – at “GU Institute of Science and Technology” and had a fantastic Interactive Session with the brilliant students .
Presented several sets of PowerPoint Slides including a video on Virology on Viral Multiplication within the CD4 Cells. Had a detailed interaction on various Clinical stages of the disease progression and also the use of Anti RetroViral Therapy Drugs ( ART) used at all the seven stages of multiplication of the virus .
AIDS Prevention Society ( APS) has carried out several studies in the field of HIV/AIDS since the early years of the epidemic in the region since1989-90 . APS has Conducted the first KABP Study for HIV risk taking among Injecting Drug Users in 1989-1990 ( Studied Behaviour pattern of IDUs in North East when first HIV was detected in Manipur in 1989 by NICED-ICMR ) and subsequently designed and implemented the first harm reduction project in the country for Injecting Drug Users & their Sex Partners and Conducted first KABP Study for HIV risk taking among Truckers & Sex Workers & designed and implemented first intervention project with truckers in the country .
AIDS Prevention Society has conducted several studies and surveys among different groups of people from the beginning of the AIDS epidemic in North East India. Dr S I Ahmed, the founder Chairman & Medical Director, AIDS Prevention Society (APS) has undertaken and conducted several studies and surveys on behavior pattern of groups which includes Injecting Drug Users (IDUs), Sex Workers , Truck Drivers entering North East India and among youth, Students and General Population. Awareness programs on HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse have been undertaken for various groups of people including students and youth, women, sex workers, truck drivers, defence personnel and health workers besides the general population at large. The KABP study among the Truckers conducted by APS in 1991 has been one of the pioneering studies in the country which has caused immense concern to WHO-GPA then and subsequently for the first time a countrywide halt point study was undertaken supported by the British ODA . AIDS Prevention Society (APS) has formulated several HIV prevention strategies and implemented various intervention programs to slow down the epidemic of HIV/AIDS in the region .
After Attending the first NGO Conference on AIDS in November 1991 organised by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare , Govt. of India & WHO, AIDS Prevention Society (APS), Chairman was Deputed by WHO as a Consultant to conduct training programme on AIDS under the “ Universities Talk AIDS “ Programme for University staff of 11 East India states in November 1991.
And he subsequently Presented the Paper on “Situational Assessment of IDUs in North East India – State Scenarios at ” the Sub Regional Conference on HIV/AIDS at Imphal , Manipur in 1992 ( Sponsored by UNDP) & subsequently attended the International Conference on AIDS / STD World Congress in Amsterdam,the Netherlands , in July 1992
Trained on “ Management of HIV Infection with Available Resources ” in November 1992 organised by AIDS Society of Asia & the Pacific as part of CME ( Continuing Medical Education ) Programme, AIDS Prevention Society (APS) Chairman, Studied street level Outreach Work of the Injecting Drug Users Project Implementation at “The SHOW” Project of Whitman-Walker Clinic at Washington DC , USA – published joint paper sharing experience of the SHOW project in the US & the APS IDU Project in India in the Journal AIDSLINK in 1993 .
Trained on “ Substance Abuse Prevention – Demand Reduction Programme ” organized by U.S. Department of State , Bureau of International Narcotics Matters , Centre for Substance Abuse Prevention & US Embassy of India in August 1994 .
AIDS Prevention Society (APS) Chairman, obtained Training on “Therapeutic Community (TC) for Substance Abuse Prevention organized by USIS & Pertapis Half Way House, Singapore in August 1995. In 1996, at the invitation of the US Government visited US under the International Visitors Program ( IVP) as a Visiting Scientist to study HIV/AIDS in the US under the program “ HIV Prevention and Public Health issues in the US ” at some of the premier US institutions & organizations.
APS Chairman Attended the 3rd International Conference on Home and Community Care for PLWHIV/AIDS in Amsterdam , The Netherlands.
And was Trained on “Clinical Management of AIDS” at Hospital Broussais, Paris, France under Prof. Michel Kazatchkine in March –April 1998.
After Attending “ The Advanced Course on HIV Clinical Management ” organized by the International AIDS Society (IAS) at Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia in October 1999 APS Chairman went for a Full Time Training for Diploma on HIV/AIDS & STDs at COTTISA, Thailand – joint Thai Universities combine and was Awarded “Diploma in STD/AIDS” from Bangkok, Thailand, in November, 2000.
Chairman, APS attended Short Course on “Reproductive & Sexual Health Research” at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine , London June-July 2003 and Completed International Training on Methadone Substitution Treatment :Training on Opiod Substitution Treatment – attended the Training Workshop on Methadone Substitution Treatment for HIV Prevention in Hong Kong in October 2003 organised by UN Regional Task Force on Drug Use & HIV Vulnerability in collaboration with UNAIDS,WHO, UNDCP & Red Ribbon Centre, Hong Kong in “Methadone Clinics”.
AIDS Prevention Society ( APS ) was responsible for formulating project proposals, designing strategies, supervising teams, administering, implementing projects , conducting operational activities , developing and implementing the work plan , managing the work including the financial and human resources of the organization and developing processes to improve work flow effectiveness and human resource productivity and formulating management information systems ( MIS) for monitoring and evaluation of programs