APS was responsible for management of one of the first harm reduction projects for Injecting Drug Users in the country along with Manipur & Nagaland states of North East India . Based on the Outreach Model, the project through trained Peer Educators provided services with the principles of Harm Reduction for the Injecting Drug Users and those Drug Users at risk of injecting and sharing injecting equipment & their sex partners He was responsible for implementation of one of the first Harm Reduction Projects for Injecting Drug Users in the country supported by NACO, Govt. of India and the Swedish SIDA and implemented in the North East India in 1993-94 and substance abuse treatment . This project is located in Guwahati City in Assam State of India.
The KABP study among the Truckers conducted by APS in 1991 has been one of the pioneering studies in the country which has caused immense concern to WHO-GPA and subsequently a nation wide Truckers Project has been undertaken in the country since 1995 supported by NACO & subsequently by ODA/DFID of the British High Commission. Besides this behavioral study of the truck drivers, a study on the prevalence of STDs among the truck drivers was undertaken in 1994-95.
One of the first Targetted Intervention Projects in the country for Truck Drivers & Helpers for prevention of STD/HIV/AIDS along NH 37.
APS after successfully completing the first phase of three years of this ambitious project which was the first of its kind in the country implemented this unique project in the sense that three partner NGOs of the region APS, Bosco Reach Out (Legal Holder) and National Alliance Mission were jointly implementing this project where Primary Health and Family Welfare Services were integrated with HIV/AIDS prevention and STD prevention and Management along the National Highways 37,40 & 44 covering major areas along the highways in Meghalaya . The project was implemented covering a distance of over 300 Km covering the population residing along the highways and within one kilometer on either side of the highway with special emphasis on women , children and youth and also the mobile population on the highway including Truckers and helpers .
The objective of this project is to make available a mutually supportive network of GPs (General Medical Practitioners) and NGOs (Non Governmental Organization) in North East India and to facilitate the actual collaborative process in establishing the network. The area of operation are in the States of Assam, Meghalaya , Nagaland and Mizoram.APS has trained more than 600 GPs & NGOs under the project in these states . APS is implementing a Mobile Counselling Project in the urban slums of the city providing services on HIV/AIDS to the slum dwellers of the city.
This project has been very successfully implemented in Guwahati City in Assam
This project has been very successfully implemented in Guwahati City in Assam . The project was subsequently supported for two years by the US State Department .
supported by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India
“NACO –APS AIDS HOTLINE ”- For the first time in North East India , a Telephone Hotline Counseling Services Project for HIV/AIDS information was sanctioned by National AIDS Control Organisation to APS.
Integrated Counselling & Testing Centre ( ICTC) has been established in the APS Clinic. Since early 2007 , the toll free number has been changed to “1051” and an interactive voice response services has been established by Assam State AIDS Control Society in collaboration with AMTRON at APS Head Office .
One of the first peer based intervention project for prevention of HIV/AIDS/STD among the sex workers in the North East India have been initiated by APS in Guwahati City in Assam . The project supported by Assam State AIDS Control Society has been started from March 2000. The project is currently supported by Catholic Relief Services ( CRS ) & rehabilitation program for sex workers of Guwahati city has been initiated by APS and Self Help Groups have been formed .
Besides implementing the various project mentioned above APS is also involved in conducting various training programs for health workers on Primary Health, reproductive and sexual health and HIV/AIDS/STD by trained and experienced resource team.
APS was responsible for implementing several targeted intervention projects in the community for slowing down the epidemic of HIV/AIDS and in providing care & support services including treatment related support services to PLWHA (People Living With HIV/AIDS ) in North East India , providing HIV/AIDS treatment & promoting adherence interventions & techniques. APS is also involved in providing Counseling, care and Support services and Advocacy for people living with HIV/AIDS . Clinical Care to people living with HIV/AIDS is provided . Management of OIs & ARV therapy is provided to PLWHA.
Care & Support with Counselling services for PLWHA , home based care & nutritional counselling, & family counselling
¨ As an Advisory Board Member of ANP+ ( Network of Positive People ) & founder member of NGO networks in the region like NEIHRN ( North East India Harm Reduction Network ) & NE NGO Network , APS is currently responsible for capacity building of NGO partners in the region .
APS is involved in development of a variety of IEC materials .APS Chairman, is Editor in Chief of AIDSCAN- a quarterly newsletter of APS.
The Legal, Ethical and Human Rights Division of APS is functioning very effectively under the Division Chief Dr. S. Rajkhowa of the Law Department of Guwahati University. He is organizing series of workshop involving several key persons of the related field – Lawyers, Judges and Human Rights Activists of the region.
Chaired the Plenary Session – “ Best Intervention Practices in the NGO Sector ” in the first National Workshop of NGOs on HIV/AIDS organized by National AIDS Control Organisation in New Delhi in January 1998 .
APS Chairman, was a member of the NGO Advisory Committee (NAC) of the DFID British High Commission supported national Healthy Highway Project. The chairman has conducted as a NAC member several studies and formulated several programmes including the STD Drug Policy for the Healthy Highway Project.
APS is regularly conducting Health Camps in the urban slums of Guwahati City and conducted several training programmes for the Traditional Birth Attendants and more than 140 TBAs were trained and provided the Delivery Kits supported by Govt of Assam & UNICEF .
APS Chairman , was selected by UNAIDS to be a member of the study team of NACO, Ministry of Health, Govt of India and UNAIDS who visited Thailand in July 1997 for better understanding of the AIDS epidemic in Thailand and the response to the epidemic both by the Thai Government and other Agencies including Voluntary organizations. Since then a number of collaboration activities are taking place. On an invitation from the Thai NGOs APS chairman visited Bangkok again in February 1999 for studying and collaborating on the sex workers project in that city.
APS Chairman , successfully completed the Training on Clinical Management of HIV Disease & AIDS at Hospital Brussais in Paris, France under Prof. Michel Kazatchkine one of the most renowned AIDS physician and scientist of France in March-April 1998 . Based on this experience and in collaboration with the State Physician responsible for AIDS Management (PRAM), Govt. of Assam APS have already started home base care for people with HIV in Guwahati City. Nutritional Counseling has been one prominent feature of the program. APS plans to expand the Care and Support services to people with HIV/AIDS through a well designed program in the near future.
APS has been conducting regular health education sessions in the urban slums of Guwahati City through its staff and volunteers, who are being posted with updated training and IEC materials. In eighteen urban slum areas of the city modern first aid boxes with supplies were provided to each slum community with training on their use. Under the UNICEF sponsored UBSP Programme of the Municipal Administration Department of Govt. of Assam it has improved services in several urban slums of the city where low cost sanitary services were installed.
In 1996, at the invitation of the US Government , APS Chairman visited US under the International Visitors Program (IVP) as a Visiting Scientist to study HIV/AIDS in the US under the program- “ HIV prevention and Public Health issues in the US ” at some of the premier US institutions & organizations on the specialties stated below :
1. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center ( Opportunistic Infections in AIDS, Neuropathology in AIDS , Telemedicine , Tissue Engineering, Replacement Surgery – CD4/T cell replacement & donor cell sorting and facilitator cell transplants )
2. National Institutes of Health – NIH , Bethesda , Maryland ( for AIDS epidemiology , Bio medical research, International Co ordination and efficacy trials – Canary Pox Vector Phase I AIDS vaccines & Microbicides ) and at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre,
3. Office of the National AIDS Policy in White House -Executive Office of the President , Washington ( study of US National Policy on AIDS )
4. Capitol Hill-Senate Labor and Human Resource Committee , Washington (alcohol & drug abuse legislation , access to HIV treatment issues )
5. Centers for Disease Control CDC, Atlanta ( International health program, universal precautions , Bio medical safety, Strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention )
6. San Francisco General Hospital – Ward 5A & Ward 86 ( with Dr. Paul Volberding the pioneering physician who treated the first AIDS cases in 1981 – Opportunistic infection management study )
7. Center for AIDS Prevention Studies – CAPS of UCSF – University of California San Francisco (needle exchange program , testing for homosexual men for secondary prevention, sex education in schools , legal rights, testing , discrimination )
8. State of Oregon – Portland Health Authority- study health delivery system for Native American Indians ( Indian Reserves Kah-Nee-Tah) , School Health Depo Provera Programme for Teen Pregnancy prevention., Public Health in the State
9. State of Minnesota – Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St Paul and the Public Health services in the largest Indian reserves.
Several Research papers of APS were presented in International Conferences on AIDS in Geneva, Amsterdam , Kuala Lumpur , Cairo , Durban, Melbourne, Barcelona & Chiang Mai ( 14th International Conference on Reduction of Drug Related Harm in April 2003) . Invited to the 7th International Congress on AIDS in Asia & the Pacific ( 7th ICAAP in Kobe , Japan in July 2005 ) as a Speaker for an Abstract Driven Session . Presented paper in the first Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive Health ( APCRH) held in Manila , Phillipines in February 2001 .
The American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics and Temple University were pleased to award scholarship funds to the APS Chairman, to attend the conference, “Health, Law and Human Rights: Exploring the Connections”, held on September 29 – October 1, 2001 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.USA
APS is responsible as a resource team for training for capacity building of NGOs for the states of Assam & Meghalaya- ( Assam State AIDS Control Society & Meghalaya State AIDS Control Society ) Several NGOs of Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland , Tamil Nadu, UP & Manipur State visited APS Office and APS field sites as part of the visiting NGOs programme of ‘ exposure visit to experienced NGOs ’. Conducted training sessions since 2000 for CSOs in North East India on a wide range of issues from HIV/AIDS Management & care , prevention, STDs , Harm Reduction – mostly on issues of HIV and AIDS, high risk behaviours including drug use, good practice of harm reduction ((i.e. outreach, drop-in centres, healthcare services ,overdose response, needle and syringe exchange programmes) , Drug pharmacology and drug use; Global and regional overview of drug use and HIV/AIDS; associated risk behaviours and harms; harm reduction interventions – needle and syringe exchange programs (NSEP); safer injecting and vein care including Abscess management ,septicaemia , gangrene , pharmacotherapy (methadone); antiretroviral therapy (ART) & OI Management & Prophylaxis ; amphetamine-type substances (ATS); Blood-borne viruses (BBV)- i.e. HIV, HBV & HCV co infection , Substitution
Provided technical support and consultations for Asian Harm Reduction Network
(AHRN) Short Course on Harm Reduction for Health Workers of South East Asian
Countries at Chiang Mai, Thailand in December 2007 on Pharmacoherapy, .
Methadone, Pharmacotherapy: Buprenorphine & on ART technical overview,
including ART for people using drugs .
AIDS Prevention Society Chairman was invited for the NGO Consultation Meeting of the formation of the GFATM- Global Fund for AIDS , TB & Malaria held at Brussels on 12 – 13November 2001 as the NGO representative from India sponsored by WHO, Geneva. Govt of India was represented by Mr J V R Prasada Rao, Secretary to the Govt of India, Ministry of Health.
APS has conducted the Migrant Population Need Assessment and the cross border issues related to HIV/AIDS in the North East India in Meghalaya
AIDS Prevention Society, Assam , has initiated from 1st March 2002 implementation of an ambitious five year project in Guwahati, Assam , first of its kind in the North East India – “ the Integrated Health Services Project for Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV in Guwahati,Assam ”. A major part of the project is supported by the European Commission for which an MoU was signed between the AIDS Prevention Society & the European Commission in December 2001 & APS was responsible for implementation of the project which included several scientific research based on several issues related to MTCT.
In an International Competitive Bid announced by the European Commission from Brussels in 2000 for scientific innovative proposals for prevention of HIV , a large number of NGOs, Institutions & Organizations from different parts of the globe submitted their proposals to the European Commission. Finally only a few proposals were selected on merit and funded by the European Commission & AIDS Prevention Society (APS) in India was the first NGO in the country to have been selected based on the scientific proposal for implementing “ the Mother to Child Transmission prevention of HIV” with its innovative approach . The project was very successfully implemented by APS from 2001 to 2007. Over 6000 antenatal mothers were involved in the project & 61 ante mothers were detected with HIV during the period . They were provided ART Drugs – Nevirapine to both the mother and the new born and were adequately followed up and infection rate from mother to child was less than 1%. The project was closely monitored by the experts from the European Commission & evaluated by the Indian Council of Medical Research ( ICMR) – NICED , Kolkata.
The overall goal of the project is to prevent Mother to Child Transmission of HIV among women of child bearing age in Guwahati, Assam state of North East India . The Project proposes to provide integrated health services to women of child bearing age and young women for prevention of Maternal to Child Transmission of HIV. Under the Project , preventive strategy formulated would provide field based intensive education, information and communication about HIV/AIDS and its prevention to women of child bearing age specially young women over a period of 5 years in identified urban slum and semi urban areas of Guwahati city and its adjoining areas in Assam in North East India so that they can protect themselves from the infection. There would be strengthening of Maternal to Child Health Services so that Mother to Child Transmission prevention of HIV can be integrated. VCT services will be integrated with MCH services during ante natal visits through four health centres established within the project and will be offered after the intensive education session so that HIV infected women can reduce pregnancies and those who are already infected and pregnant can be provided ARV (Anti Retroviral ) prophylaxis during pregnancy and provide ARV(Anti Retroviral ) prophylaxis to the infant supported by Infant Feeding Counselling VCT will ensure women to take informed decisions about safer sex , having children and a healthy life style which will be linked to family planning services and to prenatal and obstetric services .
As the prevalence of HIV in ante natal clinic in Assam is still very low , the objective of the project is to reduce acquisition of HIV/STD by women of child bearing age by enhancing the knowledge about basic facts and prevention of HIV/STDs and encouraging them to adopt safer behaviours as part of Primary Prevention , Strengthening MCH services & integrating VCT during ante natal visits,Reduce pregnancy among infected women, Reduce MTCT among infected pregnant mothers providing ARV prophylaxis ( which will be very less in number ) and counselling on breast feeding.
APS has established the Voluntary Counselling & Testing Centres (VCTC) – Integrated Counselling & Testing Centres at APS and another 5 VCTC which is providing services to a large number of people specially young people willing to know their HIV status.
AIDS Prevention Society has been involved in “YOUTH & AIDS PROJECT” –AIDS Education in Schools Programme since 1994. 20 schools were covered under the programme in the first phase and another 15 schools were covered under the project in the second phase . AIDS Prevention Society was involved by NACO & UNICEF in the regional planning phase for AIDS Education Programme in North East India and APS Chairman was responsible along with State AIDS Cell officials of Govt. of Assam for preparing the State Plan for AIDS Education in Schools in Assam. APS Chairman, presented the paper “Need for Intervention with School Students” at the Third Regional Workshop on AIDS Education in Schools organized by NACO, Govt. of India in Aizawl, Mizoram State in March 1998 in Collaboration with UNICEF, UNESCO, UNAIDS & UNFPA.
Invited to attend the 2nd IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment with an International Award, in Paris, France in July 2003 organised by the International AIDS Society
Appointed as Member of Programme Advisory Committee of Doordarshan ( Indian TV) & All India Radio ( AIR) by Prasar Bharati , Broadcasting Corporation of India , Govt . of India .
Attended the Short Course on Sexual & Reproductive Health Research in London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in June-July 2003.
Attended the Training Workshop on Methadone Treatment for HIV Prevention in Hong Kong in October 2003 organised by UN Regional Task Force on Drug Use & HIV Vulnerability in collaboration with UNAIDS,WHO, UNDCP & Red Ribbon Centre, Hong Kong .
As part of its comprehensive response to HIV/AIDS, the Government of India has entered into an agreement with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) to develop and test AIDS Vaccines in India . Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in India have successfully delivered health initiative in the past and are presently at the forefront addressing multiple medical, social, legal, ethical and policy dimensions of the AIDS problem. Their participation in the vaccine development process will increase programme efficiency, maximise the utilisation of local resources and skills, secure sustainability of prevention activities and provide an opportunity to the community to play a leadership role in the AIDS vaccine research and development process. Conducted A collaborative Study to assess understanding of current AIDS Vaccine Development Initiatives in India by NGOs of North East India .
AIDS vaccine research and development will however place an increased demand on NGOs and community based organisations as new strategies, innovative approaches and different service delivery packages will be required to address the differing needs
of the communities involved in the process.
The National Coalition on Health Initiatives (NCHI) is a group of six nationally networked NGOs from the high prevalence states , including representation from PLWHAs, which has come together with the primary objective of increasing community understanding and participation in the AIDS vaccine programme and other health initiatives. NCHI acknowledges the urgency and importance of preparing communities in India for an effective vaccine. The NCHI, with the help of NGOs, aims to strengthen the efforts of the AIDS vaccine programme. APS is a part of NCHI representing north east states .
The Objectives of the NCHI are:
1 Integration of HIV vaccines into existing prevention programmes of NGOs in India.
2 Development of a core group of NGOs interested in participating in the vaccine development process.
3 Mobilisation of communities by increasing awareness about safe and ethical vaccine development through widespread advocacy and information dissemination.
4 Act as point persons between communities and vaccine research team (s)
5 Build linkages with global non governmental organisations working on AIDS vaccines to share and learn each others experiences.
The Road Ahead for India – Conducted survey amongst the NGOs of Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram & Assam in September 2009 .
The North East India Harm Reduction Network (NEIHRN) has been established to promote and re-define responses targeting drug use and its related harms in the North East region of India. The vision of the organization is to minimize drug related harm among Injecting Drug Users (IDUs). NEIHRN currently has a membership of 55 NGOs/CBOs spread across the seven North Eastern states i.e. Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura. AIDS Prevention Society ( APS) is a founder NGO member of NEIRHN and has been a strong advocate in promoting harm reduction practices in the North Eastern region. Chairman of APS , is the President of the North East India Harm Reduction Network (NEIHRN)
Advocacy activities were undertaken which included consultations with the North Eastern Council, National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), State AIDS Control Societies (SACS) and other funding agencies. This resulted in a favorable response from these agencies particularly the SACS of Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya states for promotion of harm reduction initiatives to prevent HIV/AIDS among IDUs in the North Eastern states.
“To expand and strengthen the regional harm reduction network and advocate for scaling-up responses targeting HIV/AIDS and injecting drug use in North Eastern region of India”.
Strategies :
1. Expand and strengthen NEIHRN as a regional network for harm reduction;
2. Build the technical capacity of NGOs and CBOs in the region on harm reduction response;
3. Undertake advocacy to enhance the financial and human resources allocation for harm reduction responses in the North Eastern region; and
4. Initiate steps to promote sustainability of NEIHRN.
In the year 2010, APS Chairman was deputed by MOHFW, Govt of India and British DfID, as a member of the team to Punjab for a feasibility study on OST (Opioid Substitution Therapy) with Sublingual Bubrenorphine (BPN) as a substitute therapy for a large population of heroine dependent clients in Five Districts of Punjab State – heroine users . What they witnessed was the most horrific scenario in the country much worse than North East . Visited towns and villages of Punjab and interacted with drug users , their families, youths , NGOs, law enforcements, local Panchayat and MLAs, media personnel women’s organizations etc.
Finally, started BPN sublingual OST for heroine users in Amritsar Medical College & Guru Nanak Dev Hospital Amritsar, District Civil Hospital at Tarn Taran, Batala hospital at Batala, Gurdaspur, Civil Hospital Jalandhar & Civil Hospital Ludhiana..
Over the years APS attended the UN Hq New York as a Civil Society / NGO
from the North East India – Sixth time invited to the UN Headquarter in New York :
: Invited to participate at the UN General Assembly Special Session – UNGASS 2006 at UN Headquarters in New York at the invitation of the UN from 31st May, 2006. Received Special Accreditation given by the President, UN General Assembly in March 2006 in its Meeting held on 27th March , 2006 for UNGASS 2006 for the review and High Level Meeting ( HLM) on progress towards the implementation of the 2001 Declaration of Commitment Sponsored by UNAIDS . Raised the serious issue of Hep B & Hep C Co-infection with HIV in India’s North East at the Satellite Roundtable at the UN General Assembly Special Session( UNGASS ) .
: Participated at The 37th LDUN, held in March 2015 at the UN Headquarters in New York City, the theme was ” Children In Need.” UN in achieving the Millennium Development Goals by addressing important humanitarian needs such as eradicating poverty and hunger, providing access to education, combating diseases and ensuring environmental sustainability. – the opportunity to learn how, together with the UN, we can continue to help those in need on a global level.
: Invited to the UN General Assembly High Level Meeting – The UN General Assembly convened a high-level meeting – UN GA HLM from 8 to 10 June 2016, undertook a comprehensive review of the progress achieved in realizing the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the Political Declarations including concrete strategies for action to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 and participated in the sessions of the UNGA- HLM .
: Attended the 39th LDUN at the United Nations held on Saturday, March 4, 2017. With a theme of health and inclusion, achieving several of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) .
: Recieved Special Accreditation from the UN and Invited to the Interactive hearing and General Assembly high-level meeting on the fight to end TB (04-5 June 2018) and also participated at the UNAIDS Satellite Session on 4th June, 2018 presenting North East India situation .
: Participated at the Invitation to attend the UN General Assembly high-level meeting on the fight against tuberculosis which took place at United Nations Headquarters, on 26 September 2018
: APS was Accredited by the President of the UN General Assembly for the High Level Meeting at UN Headquarters , New York from 8-10th June 2021 which was participated by APS Chairman virtually.
As member of IAPAC, APS Chairman attended the The International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC) hosted “ The 90-90-90 Targets Workshop ” on July 22nd & 23rd , 2017 held at Paris, France as a Delegate Member from India at this International Meeting sponsored by UNAIDS.
As a member of IAPAC – Attended the The International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC) hosted sixth “Controlling the HIV Epidemic Summit ” on May 3-4, 2018, at the International Conference Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. The Summit sponsored by IAPAC in collaboration with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), and the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG).reflected a pathway towards the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. In support of connecting the dots between attaining the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets and controlling the HIV epidemic, the Summit clearly defined the meaning of “HIV epidemic control” – including sufficient nuance to allow for the heterogeneity of the AIDS response. In addition, the summit examined proposed new metrics for assessing progress in national and subnational HIV epidemic responses.
“ BUILDING COMMUNITY RESPONSE TO COUNTER VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN GREATER GUWAHATI AREA OF KAMRUP DISTRICT IN ASSAM STATE OF NORTH EAST INDIA , 2014-2015 “ Implemented By Ms Sakira Shaheen , Gauhati University Under Guidance of the Chairman & Medical Director, AIDS Prevention Society, Assam
Year 2012 Scenario in our state of Assam
In India, National Crime Records Bureau ( NCRB ) of Ministry of Home Affairs ,Govt of India reported that in Assam in the year 2012 reported Crime Against Women were 12,346 cases which included reported cases of Rape cases 1626, Kidnapping 2689, Dowry 215, Assault on women 2250 , Insult to Modesty 12 , Cruelty by Husband 5435, Immoral Trafficking 51 in the year 2012. Further, district wise Guwahati & Kamrup had a significant number being the largest populated city & district in North East India.
TA & Project Area Target audience & Project Area
Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls in 3 Cluster of villages in
Guwahati & Kamrup District of Assam in North East India : –
A. Lokhra Area
i) Ghoramara
ii) Kerakuchi
iii) Bhetapara
B. Hatigaon-Sijubari Area
1) Hatigaon
2) Natbama
3) Sijubari
C. Khanapara Area
1) 10th Mile
2) 11th Mile
3) Hastinapur
APS has to its credit conducting several research programmed on health and HIV/AIDS in the country supported by the US State Deptt, British DFID, European Commission, Health Ministry of Netherlands, Swedish SIDA, CORDAID, CRS of US and others, including conducting feasibility studies on the Opioid-Substitution-Therapy for drug users in Punjab, India.
Dr Ahmed has been also proactively associated with Lions Club, Friends-Of-Assam-andSeven-Sisters, North-East-India-Harm-Reduction-Network,AIHC, Nagaric Mancha and many social organizations. He has been actively working with NASA,USA on several Projects and made a film on NASA’s International Space Station with NE students interacting with Astronaut Mike Fincke .
Activities of AIDS Prevention Society have been made possible through the establishment of an extensive networking with various National and International Organizations. Various agencies have been providing support and assistance to AIDS Prevention Society which includes National AIDS Control Organisation ( NACO ) , Govt of India, European Commission , DFID British High Commission, UNAIDS, AIDSCAP, UNICEF , US State Department , USIA Washington D.C., NCIH- Washington D.C., CORDAID ( formerly BILANCE and MEMISA ) of the Netherlands, Bosco Reach Out(BRO), National Alliance Mission (NAM), YRG Care, Chennai, Rajiv Gandhi foundation (RGF), CASA, VHAI-Assam, Assam State AIDS Control Society , Govt. of Assam & Don Bosco Youth Centre, Shillong, CRS, IAVI , ICMR – NICED .